Production equipment

Powders and liquids

Main facilities for powder production

The OEM of powder products has grown to become one of Former Kanto Chemical Industry's most distinctive businesses.
We have five large mixers and six filling and packaging lines, and each line is designed for mass production with a high degree of flexibility and flexibility in manufacturing, allowing us to quickly respond to requests for small quantities of a wide variety of products. In addition, our high production control capability, which is an important element of OEMs, is backed up by continuous contracts with the world's top companies.

Liquid production facilities

We have a total of six mixing tanks with a wide variety of sizes and functions, including jacketed tanks that can heat and cool, and special tanks capable of mixing up to 50,000 CPS. By selecting production equipment that can flexibly respond to product specifications and required quantities, we are able to produce at optimal cost. We also provide precise production management from filling and packaging to final product shipment in various containers as specified by the consignor companies.

Other Facilities

Former Kanto Chemical Industry's powder plant is fully equipped with dust collection equipment in each work process, and all areas are kept clean. We recognize that thorough management of health and safety is part of quality control, and we are convinced that the continuation of stable and accident-free operations is in the best interest of our customers. We have also introduced automatic racks to ensure first-in, first-out delivery of products.

Seal peel

Based on more than 20 years of manufacturing know-how, our production line is capable of stably producing high-quality products.

De-icing and anti-icing

We have dedicated equipment (large storage tanks, agitators, filling equipment, etc.) used in the production of de-icing products, enabling us to respond immediately to our customers' needs for mass production.